Monday, January 10, 2011

We Can All Live Sustainably

Everyone is off to a fresh beginning every new year. What with all the new year's resolutions people come up with!

Here at Nature's Village Resort, we can give you two interesting tips on how you can start the new year right --- the sustainable way! And it is not so difficult as you may think!

First, resolve to think and act sustainable at all times!

Sustainability means the capacity to endure and make everything around us --- in nature, in the people we meet --- considering their beauty and goodness, endure.

How? By living some sustainable practices:

·        Don't litter. Recycle! Recycle! Recycle!
·       Try to avoid excessive waste and the use of plastic bottles (in many countries there are no plastic disposal systems). Plastic mountains are created due to irresponsible tourism practices.
·        Reduce energy consumption. Use natural light as much as you can.
         Unplug your mobile phone charger and turn off the lights when not in use.
·        Conserve water. Use a glass tumbler when brushing your teeth. Avoid letting the tap run. Take shorter showers... the average hotel guest uses over 300 liters of water per night! In a luxury hotel it is approximately 1800 liters!
        When you see or notice leaks, do something! Repair or report it immediately. 
Second, resolve to teach others to live a sustainable practice one day at a time.

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