Thursday, January 6, 2011


-          Jimmy Dean
        As we begin the new year, it is always good to look back and reflect on how the past year went. Did we do well in this or that aspect? Where else can we improve? The good news is that the apparently ‘bad’ things that came our way last year are NOT exactly negative or disadvantageous to us. This is because from those seemingly bad events, we can always draw a lot of GOOD. And in fact, it is God Himself who ensures that we grow from past experience. Let us ADJUST our sails, then, to reach our destination! We can learn from the past in order to be better equipped to face the future. On two conditions though --- we are asked to be humble and teachable. Let us all together thank God for all His blessings and may each one of us be decisive to always be the best we can be in our day-to-day tasks.

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