Thursday, August 18, 2011

Red Aeronautics Hotel and Restaurant & Travel Management Students Tour NVR

         There were 37 students of the Technical-Vocational course on Hotel and Restaurant and Travel Management from Silay City's Red Aeronautics Technological Institute (RATI) who had a Comprehensive Resort-Hotel Tour of Nature's Village Resort (NVR) this August. Heading the group was Mr. Nicol Labanza, one of the professors of the said school's program course.

      RATI students went around to see the function halls and hotel rooms,  and were given an explanation on Sustainable Tourism as practiced in the resort i.e. recycling, reusing and redesigning of items especially railroad ties, glass ocean buoys, and wine bottles, and waste segregation.. They also went to see NVR's Village Chapel, the Campsite and Mud House, the Organic Farm and Vermicomposting Site.

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