Thursday, July 28, 2011

USLS-Junior Philippine Economics Society kicks off new academic year with an Acquaintance Party at NVR

The Junior Philippine Economics Society (JPES) of the University of St. La Salle-Bacolod (USLS) held their whole day Acquaintance Party here at Nature's Village Resort (NVR) last July 23, Saturday, at Camp Edgar and The Green Pavilion. The affair was graced by more than a hundred full-fledged member-students of the society from the first to fourth year levels together with some members of their college faculty.

Activities of the event included an Amazing Race-cum-Team Building in the morning organized by year-level representatives of the society and a program featuring selected students with a Greek-inspired theme. Rain or shine, the society capped their stay within NVR's natural landscape and lush greenery with some members swimming at the resort pool towards late afternoon.

NVR sponsored the acquaintance party with swimming passes which were given away as prizes for the winners of their event highlight for the day. USLS-JPES is planning another team building activity for its officers in the succeeding months.  

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